Video Transcription:
Right now you’ve got two choices:
- Do nothing and ride this out;
- Look for opportunities to do business different and make sure people know about it.
I don’t know about you, but I’m not happy to sit and hope I have a business left when the smoke clears, so I’m definitely going for number two.
The Case for Marketing Re-Evaluation
I’m in marketing so it’s obvious I’m going to be telling everyone they should be doing more marketing to get greater exposure and if you use us yeah, of course we’ll make money so is this the case of me just hyping up the case for marketing for the sake of profiteering?
The truth is we’ve had clients forced to close or wind back their operations, so they’ve cancelled or put our services on hold and yes, we’ve taken a revenue hit,
but at the same time we do see opportunities out there and like many businesses when the market is shrinking – it’s on us to make sure we are doing more to capture a bigger percentage for ourselves.
There are businesses that are being forced to close or wind back their operations, and of course we feel sorry for them.
At the same time other businesses actually have an opportunity to make sales, but they’re just not adapting to the market.
Some businesses may need to adapt what they do and focus on a different market, but for other businesses the current market is an opportunity just to do exactly the same as what they’ve been doing but they can actually bring in more sales now with a clearer marketing message focused around what their clients are looking for.
Either way – now is the time to take action!
Think about:
- Who is in the market now and what can you offer them?
- What makes what you have to offer them a pressing concern for them?
- How can you solve a problem for them?
If you don’t understand this and don’t express it in such a way that it is elevated to a priority… guess what?
You just don’t register on their radar. People right now have a lot on their mind so your message needs to cut through all that noise.
You need to show the people that you have a solution to an acute problem, you can be trusted to deliver what the successful outcome will be and what the result of inaction may be.
Normally, you might not want to dwell on the cost of inaction too much, but right now a lot of people are inclined towards playing the waiting game so you may need to push down on that pain point to make them take action.
Now really is the time to rethink the way you market what you do. Both for your business as a whole and for the different divisions or services you offer.
It’s going right back to the foundations of marketing 101, it’s understanding:
- Who your ideal client is
- The message that gets their attention
- How you present what you offer is
- Knowing how to structure your website and landing pages to convert and,
- How to get people into your marketing funnel
It really is a process and it’s a process we run our clients through all the time. It’s a process to audit your business against to make sure you are strong in each area because each part is a point of leverage –
the stronger one part is, the stronger everything is,
and the stronger you make every part the better you will be going through times of economic downturn.
The thing that is really great is if it’s in place and working then when times are hard imagine how much better you’ll be when things turn around and there are more people in the market